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What are HIEMT and HIEMT Neo?

   2021-10-18 11:55:59

What are HIEMT and HIEMT Neo?

  HIEMT machine is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive body-sculpting procedure that builds muscle and burns fat. It delivers high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) pulses to the muscle tissue, creating supramaximal muscle contractions that activate more muscle fibers than what you can achieve through normal exercise.

  This nonsurgical treatment can tighten, tone, and strengthen the large muscle groups of the abdomen and buttocks as well as of smaller body areas, including the upper arms, thighs, and calves. The result is increased muscle definition and reduced circumference.

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  HIEMT Neo, launched in fall 2020, is a next-generation, FDA-cleared device that combines enhanced HIFEM technology (delivering up to 20% more electromagnetic pulses than the original) with radiofrequency (RF) energy in the form of heat, to burn fat more effectively.

  HIEMT Neo can treat all the same areas as the original device, and it recently gained FDA clearance for lipolysis (fat reduction) of the thighs. Treatment of the butt, arms, and calves is typically done without heat, to avoid the volume loss that would come with fat reduction.

  Four sessions, typically spaced two to five days apart, are recommended over a two-week period, with either the classic or new-generation device.

  Both devices can also reduce muscle separation in the abs, a symptom of diastasis recti, a condition where your abdominal muscles separate (usually during pregnancy) and create a belly pooch. It’s the only nonsurgical treatment shown to be effective in treating abdominal separation. While doctors on RealSelf recommend a tummy tuck for people with significant separation, they say HIEMT can be a good option for avoiding surgery.