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What's special about Fat Freeze?

   2021-09-15 11:40:16

cryolipolysis,fat freezeWhat's special about Fat Freeze ?

  Cryolipolysis technique is based on the finding that fat cells are more susceptible to damage from cold temperatures than other cells, such as skin cells.The cold temperature injures the fat cells.The injury triggers an inflammatory response by the body, which results in the death of the fat cells.White blood cells are “called to the injury location,” to rid the dead fat cells and debris from the body.Fat cells and debris are eliminated from the body naturally.

  More surface area covered compared to traditional Fat Freeze. Up to 40% fat reduction in a single session compared to the usual 25%.

  The Overview of How Fat Freeze works

       Fat Freeze machine intelligently targets fat cells whilst causing no damage to the surrounding areas.Fat freezing works by causing cell apoptosis (fat cell death) at very cold temperatures.Over the next 6 weeks, the body will metabolize these frozen fat cells and remove them naturally from the body.The fat cells die and get flushed out of your system in the standard natural ways.