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How to skin care for people who often stay up late

   2022-01-10 10:21:40

How to skin care for people who often stay up late

  1. Clean the skin as soon as possible

  Although you can sleep late, don't wait until after you go to bed to cleanse your skin. Clean the skin as soon as possible, reduce the burden on the skin and prevent acne breakouts. In addition, in order to maintain the balance of water and oil, it is necessary to strengthen oil control and hydration to replenish the skin.

  2. Vitamin C Supplements

  Working overtime and staying up late will lead to the loss of collagen in the skin. More vitamin C or collagen-containing foods will be added to the dinner to help restore elasticity and luster to the skin. Animal skin is rich in collagen, many fruits are rich in vitamin C, or you can take 1 vitamin C tablet. But avoid spicy food, especially those with oily skin, to prevent excessive evaporation of skin moisture. Sensitive skin should eat as little seafood as possible. Alcoholic beverages have greatly reduced nutrient absorption and skin retention, so they should be used with caution.

  3. For high moisturizing care

  Excessive fatigue during the day and night can make the skin even drier. Therefore, apply a moisturizer as soon as possible after cleansing. It is best to cover the skin with a cotton pad until the cotton pad is transparent. You can see your fingers through the skin, then press firmly and lightly on the skin so that the skin sinks slightly from the center of the face. Dry easily, need to sink carefully around the eyes and mouth; dry cheeks should be applied well, and finally using the entire palm, gently press the remaining lotion on the skin to fully penetrate the skin.

  4. Regularly do facial deep cleansing care

  Usually the traditional way of hand washing to clean the face, its cleanliness is only 20%, and it cannot do deep cleaning. Using a professional facial deep cleaning machine can remove excess oil, mites and makeup powder and other dirt in the pores, so that the pores can be kept open and the skin is fair. Anti-inflammatory and calming, inhibit bacterial growth, repair skin, improve acne and sensitive skin. Shrink pores, enhance skin firmness, and keep skin hydrated and elastic.