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   2021-07-08 14:38:47

What are the methods of lip augmentation?
1. Collagen enriches lips
Collagen lips are suitable for people whose lips are not plump enough and only need to be slightly expanded. Generally, it can be completed in 10 minutes, but the maintenance effect is very short, which can only last for 2 to 6 months, and requires multiple visits to the hospital. The injection can maintain the effect. After the injection, it will not affect the normal life and make the lips look natural.
2. Hyaluronic acid plump lips
Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronic acid, can improve the elasticity of the skin. Hyaluronic acid plump lips are suitable for people who need mild or moderate expansion of the lips. Generally, it takes 15 minutes and the effect can only last for 4 to 8 months. After the injection is completed, it will not affect life and work.
3. Autologous fat plump lips
Autologous fat is to extract a proper amount of fat from the parts of the waist and abdomen where there is more fat, and then inject it into these parts. This method is more troublesome and requires anesthesia in advance. Generally, you will see sexy lips in about a week, and they will last for a long time. This method is suitable for people with mildly insufficient lips, and it usually takes half an hour to complete the operation.

